The Renaissance Active Living Centre
Copyright 2009 Acme Rockets
12345 Street Address
Cityname, ST or Province 12345
Website Themes by CoffeeCup Software
2023 Board Of Directors
Monthly Calendars
click to see more bulletins
Additional Information
The Center Offers:

- Dances

- Bingo

- Special Events

- Program Activities

- A place to socialize

- Friendship gatherings

* Office open weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch 12:00 - 12:30

* Hall and kitchen rental.

* Small meeting rooms for rent

For more information please contact or visit the office.
Phone : 705-848-9721

Fax: 705-848-7955
Active Living Centre
2 Veteran's Way
Elliot Lake, Ontario
P5A 1Z6
Membership Fee

$75.00 per calendar year
If paid by Dec. 31st each year
$80.00 per calendar year
If paid after Dec. 31, each year

Program User Fee

$4.00 per member
$6.00 per non-member

Exercise Room $15.00 per month

Regular Members:
50+ years of age

Associate Members:
45+ years of age