The Renaissance Active Living Centre
The Renaissance Active Living Centre is a non-for-profit, community based organization that makes available to the citizens of Elliot Lake and the North Shore opportunities for the development and maintenance of their personal well-being.

We are designated as a "Seniors Active Living Centre" under the Provincial Act of 2017. Although anyone can take part in our activities, only seniors who are at least 45 years of age and over are eligible to become members.

Our centre has been providing social, recreational and physical activies in Elliot Lek for more than 30 years.

Although membership is restricted to age 45 and up, adults of any age may join in the activities regardless of their age at an afforable user fee. We welcome 80-150 patrons on a daily basis.

With the proceeds of our Lottery licenses we make yearly monetary donations to various nto-for-profit community groups and organizations such as schools, service clubs and the crisis centre. We believe in working co-operatively with other clubs in order to benefit various groups in our community.

Municipal funding allows us to maintain and upgrade our aging building and leverage other funding to help us purchase and offer special programming but most of all provide the people of Elliot Lake a much needed Recreation Centre and a hall rental venue for special occasions and meetings.
Welcome To Our Website.
Copyright 2009 Acme Rockets
12345 Street Address
Cityname, ST or Province 12345
Website Themes by CoffeeCup Software
2023 Board Of Directors
Monthly Calendars
Located at:

2 Veteran's Way
Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
P5A 1Z6

Phone: 705-848-9721
Fax: 705-848-7955